Thursday, May 27, 2010

Next best action marketing PPT

Next Best Action marketing (also known as Best Next Action or Next Best Activity), as a special case of Next Best Action decision-making, is a customer-centric marketing paradigm that considers the different actions that can be taken for a specific customer and decides on the ‘best’ one[1]. The Next Best Action (an offer, proposition, service, etc.) is determined by the customer’s interests and needs on the one hand, and the marketing organization’s business objectives, policies, and regulations on the other. This is in sharp contrast to traditional marketing approaches that first create a proposition for a product or service and then attempt to find interested and eligible prospects for that proposition. This practice, Direct Marketing, typically automated in the form of a campaign management tool, is product-centric.

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1 comment:

  1. Typical objectives that you might have could include growing your response rates, increasing your return on investment or increasing your email open rates by new prospects. The important thing is that you have an outcome in mind and that you tailor your email marketing solutions strategy towards achieving that outcome.
